On-Campus Recruiting & Interviewing for Employers
On-Campus Interviewing and Recruiting Policies
All companies and organizations must also adhere to the following University Posting and Announcement Policy.
An on-campus interview is an opportunity for an employer to come on campus and interview qualified Clayton State University students and graduates for specific job, career, or internship opportunities. There is no charge for employers or for students and graduates. To schedule an on-campus interview, contact the office of Career and Professional Development at (678) 466-5400 or email career@clayton.edu.
*Fall Semester: Last week of August – First week of December
*Spring Semester: Third week of January – First week of May
- Have current or next semester position(s) available for students.
- Must register and post position(s) on Laker CareerZone (online career database).
- Schedule on-campus interview a minimum of four (4) weeks in advance.
- Decide interviewing increment times (i.e. 30, 45, 60 minutes per interview).
- Reschedule or cancel on-campus interview session at least 3 business days in advance.
- Adhere to Federal and Georgia EEO guidelines.
- Advise Office of Career and Professional Development and students of the type and purpose of any test that is required in the recruitment process and to whom the test results will be disclosed.
- Must not solicit or sell products or services during the course of recruiting and interviewing.
- May not require any pre-employment fees.
- Fully disclose to Office of Career and Professional Development and job candidates the structure of any compensation packages that include commission or costs to new employee for testing, licenses, training, travel, or equipment.
- Final approval to use Clayton State University facilities and services rests with the Director of Career and Professional Development and may be revoked if these policies or the NACE Principles for Professional Conduct are violated.
On-campus recruiting is an opportunity for employers to come to campus to recruit students for job and internship positions and to share information about the employing organization. Career and Professional Development schedules the time, coordinates the space reservation for a student high-traffic area, and publicizes the recruiting event to students. To schedule an on-campus recruiting session contact the Office of Career and Professional Development at 678-466-5400 or email career@clayton.edu.
*Fall Semester: Last week of August – First week of November
*Spring Semester: Third week of January – First week of April
- Have current or next semester position(s) available for students.
- Must register and post position(s) on Laker CareerZone (online career database).
- Schedule on-campus recruiting a minimum of ten (10) business days in advance.
- Must not solicit or sell their products or services during the course of recruiting.
- May not require any pre-employment fees.
- Reschedule or cancel recruiting session no later than 24 business hours before session begins. No Show/No Call may result in non-participation in future on-campus recruiting sessions.
- Adhere to Federal and Georgia EEO guidelines.
- Advise Office of Career and Professional Development and students of the type and purpose of any test that is required in the recruitment process and to whom the test results will be disclosed.
- Final approval to use Clayton State University facilities and services rests with the Director of Career and Professional Development and may be revoked if these policies or the NACE Principles for Professional Conduct are violated.
Recruiters are encouraged to complete an evaluation form after each visit and return it to the Office of Career and Professional Development.
Individualized Assistance
The Office of Career and Professional Development is pleased to provide individualized assistance to students and graduates. To make an appointment, call (678) 466-5400 or stop by the office.
Students and graduates are expected to honor the scheduled appointment time. Arriving on time for an appointment and providing notification of a need to miss or reschedule an appointment are critical demonstrations of professionalism. The Office of Career and Professional Development responds to tardiness or missed appointments in an effort to develop the professionalism that employers expect.
- If you need to cancel or re-schedule an appointment, please call the Career and Professional Development office at least 30 minutes in advance.
- If you are running late for an appointment, please call and let us know.
The following policies apply to all students and graduates who make individualized appointments with Career and Professional Development.
Late Arrival
Any student or graduate who arrives for an appointment more than 15 minutes after the scheduled time is considered a "late arrival." If the student or graduate provides advance notice of the tardiness, he or she may still meet with the Career and Professional Development staff member for the remaining portion of the allotted appointment time. Students or graduates who do not provide prior notification of their tardiness and arrive more than 15 minutes late will be required to reschedule the appointment.
"No Show"
A student or graduate is considered a "no show" if he or she misses an appointment or arrives more than 30 minutes late to an appointment without calling to notify the Office of Career and Professional Development.
1st offense: After the first missed appointment, the student or graduate will receive an e–mail reminder of the "No Show" policy including an indication that a second offense during the same semester results in being unable to schedule any appointments that semester.
2nd offense: After the second missed appointment, the student or graduate will receive an e–mail notification that he or she will be unable to make individual appointments for the remainder of the semester. All other services (including participation in career fairs and on–campus recruiting) will still be available to the student or graduate.
Employment and Internship Posting Policy
All employment and internship opportunities for Clayton State University students and graduates are posted in Laker CareerZone. Posted positions are then reviewed and approved by the Office of Career and Professional Development. If the positions meet professional standards and internal policies, the positions are approved for student and graduate access. Companies or organizations requiring an employment-related fee from students or graduates is not eligible to post job or internship opportunities
The Office of Career and Professional Development does not permit the use of work authorization, visa status, or citizenship data in Laker CareerZone postings. This policy is in compliance with a Department of Justice determination. More information is available on the following sites:
1) DOJ: http://www.justice.gov/crt/about/osc/htm/best_practices.php
2) NACE: http://www.naceweb.org/talent-acquisition/internships/
In addition to following Career and Professional Development’ Posting Policy, all companies and organizations must also adhere to the following University Posting and Announcement Policy:
Non-University persons, businesses, vendors, or non-profit organizations are strictly prohibited from posting advertisements, event announcements, and services on campus.
Any company or organization that seeks to promote employment opportunities in any way other than through Laker CareerZone and the Office of Career and Professional Development or that fails to comply with the University Posting and Announcement Policy will be denied access to Laker CareerZone posting and denied participation in on-campus recruiting.
National Association of Colleges and Employers Principles for Professional Practice
View the National Association of Colleges and Employers Principles for Professional Practice website