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Bursar Policies and Procedures

Please visit the Registrar's page on FERPA information.

What are the education tax credits?

  1. The AOTC, American Opportunity Tax Credit, can help pay for the first four years of college if you attend at least half-time. The credit provides up to $2,500 per student per year,or up to $10,000 over four years of education.
  2. The LLC, Lifetime Learning Tax Credit, can help pay for any level of college or for education courses that advance or improve your job skills. The credit provides up to $2,000 per return per year.

How do I claim one of these credits?

These tax credits are available to taxpayers who paid education expenses for themselves, their spouse or for their dependent. To claim a 9 credit, you must file a Form 1040 or Form 1040-A federal tax return and complete Form 8863. Form 1098-T contains helpful information needed to complete Form 8863.

Can I still claim education tax credits if I got a Pell Grant or other scholarship?

Most likely you can. Some students may be able to increase their credit by including some of the grant money in the student's income. Students with tuition expenses and Pell Grants or other scholarships should use the resources below to maximize their benefits. Use the Interactive Tax Assistant tool on to see if you can claim the credit.


Where can you learn more about these valuable tax credits for higher education?

View more information on the Tax Relief Act 97 and the 1098-T form.

If a financial institution declines payment of a personal check tendered by a student and returns it to the University, the student will be charged a $30.00 NSF fee. If the student's check was written for tuition/fees and is returned insufficient, the student will be assessed a late payment fee of $100.00 in addition to the $30.00 NSF fee. Students who fail to clear their financial obligations within 10 days of being notified will have their registration cancelled. A stop payment of a check does not constitute a formal withdrawal from the University or cancellation of registration and is considered a returned check. Those students who place stop payments on their tuition/fee payments will have their registration cancelled immediately. Students who tender "bad" checks may be placed on a "cash only" restriction. Official transcripts will not be issued for students whose accounts in the Bursar's Office are said to be delinquent. If necessary, legal action will be initiated by the University for the collection of debts. Georgia Law mandates that the University collect outstanding charges promptly. Clayton State University reserves the right to refer these debts to an outside agency for collection and requires the debtor (student) to pay any cost incurred during the collection process. The Bursar's Office is unable to accept personal checks during the late registration and schedule adjustment period for tuition and fees.

If you are receiving any form of financial aid or scholarship administered by Clayton State University (including loans), you must follow the steps listed in the Scholarship Section on the Financial Aid Office web page. Please note that if you have any balance due after financial aid has been credited to your student account, you must pay that balance in accordance with the Fee Payment Procedures listed here. Failure to pay the balance will NOT release you from your obligation to pay.

**Please note: all matriculation charges or other charges are subject to change before the beginning of any semester without prior notice. Payment of fees may not be deferred, and all are due and payable upon registration. Refer to the Semester Schedule of Classes or the DUCK for the most current information concerning fees. Important Note: The first class day of the semester is defined as the first day of the semester as listed in the Schedule of Classes regardless of when the first meeting of any given section of class is actually held.

Cash, checks, credit cards, money orders, cashier checks, and debit cards. We do not take payments over the phone, we require an authorized signature. Preferred method of payment is through the D.U.C.K. (Digital Unified Campus Kiosk) using your debit or credit card. If by mail, send checks, money orders, and cashier checks payable to Clayton State University to Edgewater Hall, 2000 Clayton State Boulevard, Morrow, Georgia 30260, Attention: Bursar's Office. The payment must include the student's name and Laker ID#. For more information on payments, please visit our payments page.

As a convenience to Faculty, Staff, and students, the Bursar’s Office provides check cashing privileges to Clayton State University employees for checks up to $50.00 and students for up to $10.00. Check cashing is subject to the following guidelines:

When cashing a check in the Bursar’s Office, the check must be made payable to CASH. Any employee may cash one check per day up to $50.00 at the Bursar’s Office window. Students may cash one per day up to $10.00. Employees or students must always show one form of identification (valid student ID or drivers license) The following types of checks will not be accepted:

  • Post-dated checks
  • Counter checks
  • Starter checks
  • Credit card checks
  • Third party checks

Check cashing is a privilege, and is subject to being revoked if the privilege is abused. More than two returned checks for an employee will result in the permanent suspension of check cashing privileges on campus. Students will have a “cash only” hold placed on their record and will no longer be able to conduct any business on campus by check, including payment of tuition, fees, and books.

Personal checks written for cash to the Bursar’s Office must be sent to the bank immediately. No exceptions! No employee or student of the university may at any time ask or request special favor of holding a check for a set amount of time. This violates university cashiering and federal banking policies. GA House Bill 1113 which passed into law, states that the misuse of state funds for personal benefit will be grounds for termination, fines, and or imprisonment. It also addresses employees assisting others in violating the law. All parties involved are guilty.

If a financial institution declines payment of a personal check tendered by a student and returns it to the University, the student will be charged $30.00. If a student check used for payment of registration fees is returned, the student will be assessed a late registration fee in addition to the service charge. A stop payment of a check does not constitute a formal withdrawal from the University or cancellation of registration and is considered a returned check. Official transcripts of credit will not be issued for students whose accounts in the Bursar’s Office are held to be delinquent. If necessary, legal action will be initiated by the University for the collection of debts. Students who submit bad checks may be required to pay by other methods in the future.

Cash Handling PowerPoint

Cash Handling For Departments:

All funds received from other departments of CSU are received by the Cashier in the Bursar Office and are credited to the appropriate department’s account.



Each unit must have a system to provide documentation of all funds received. Any method used must provide a clear audit trail. Examples are pre-numbered CSU receipts (issued by the Bursars Office), cash register tapes, or computerized cash receipt systems. The recording of the receipt is when the funds are received. Checks should be endorsed as soon as practicable after checks are received. Endorsements should read as follows: FOR DEPOSIT ONLY Clayton State University



Departments should make deposits to the Bursar’s Office of any cash, checks, money orders, or credit card receipts the next business day. A deposit transmittal form that reflects receipts for cash deposits, the date funds were collected, and the detail codes must accompany the deposit or accounting string and amounts to be credited must be clearly identified on the transmittal form. Each Deposit Transmittal must be accompanied by written documentation that adequately supports the amounts listed on the deposit transmittal. Examples of backup documentation include cash register tapes, copies of pre-numbered cash receipts, prepared schedules of checks, individual check copies, or cash receipt list from other cash receipt system. Deposits without adequate supporting backup documentation may be refused until backup documentation can be provided. If that is the case, please follow cash control and safekeeping until rectified.


Preparing the deposit

Most departments can use the Miscellaneous Deposit Form found on the Bursar’s Webpage. (The deposit form is user friendly and downloadable for easy use). Cash, Checks, and Credit Cards must separate all deposits. Signed credit card slips should accompany the credit card close out and the detail breakdown. Two adding machine tapes must accompany each form of currency. All checks and money orders must be stamped “for deposit only.” Sign and Date the deposit. Put loose change in an envelope. Make sure you keep a copy of transactions.



If you have a Detail Code for your department enter it on the line. If no detail code, you must include the entire account string. (FUND, PROG, CLASS, DEPT, AND ACCT)



An employee who has no cash handling responsibilities must perform this function. Verify the processing or recording of transactions to ensure that all transactions are complete, authorized, recorded, and deposited timely. Resolve all discrepancies, sign and date reconciled records. The person, who reconciles, should not receive cash or make deposit. If that is not possible, the supervisor must review all deposits.


Cash Controls and Safe Keeping

Cash must be kept in a secured safe cashbox, or register drawer with limited access; only the person assigned should have access. If you use keys to access the safe, cashbox, or a locked draw, then make sure that the key is kept in a secure, secret place. Cash must be counted at the end of the persons shift or before another employee comes on duty. Discrepancies should be documented and resolved by cashier and supervisor must review and approve.

Clayton State is committed to protecting credit card information, in both electronic and other formats. We are also committed to maintaining strict compliance with Payment Card Industry (PCI) standards.

Maintaining PCI compliance is more than just making sure our network is secure; it includes using approved devices and methods for accepting credit cards for payment and proper procedures for maintaining any records which may contain credit card information.

The following documents provide information about meeting PCI Standards on campus, PCI Compliance policy, and FAQs about PCI compliance.

A student’s authorization to enroll in courses at Clayton State University is conditional upon acceptance of all terms and conditions set forth in the Student Payment Agreement. Students must agree to the mandatory terms and conditions when they enter the registration system every semester, and only then they will be permitted to proceed to registration. Students who do not accept the terms and conditions of the Student Payment Agreement will not be permitted to register in courses at Clayton State University.