Health Care Management Mission
The mission of the Health Care Management is to prepare students, especially non-traditional minority students for entry and mid-level management positions in a variety of health service organizations.
This mission of the Program is consistent with the University’s mission of meeting the needs of the community. The community is typically identified as the Southern Crescent area that consists of South Fulton, South DeKalb, Clayton, Fayette and Henry Counties. These counties serve the general area of South Atlanta and the contiguous localities. Located within the Southern Crescent are a great number and variety of health care delivery systems that are growing and expanding as the population of this part of Georgia keeps increasing. The need to educate and provide managers for these institutions also is increasing and, thus serves as impetus for us to complete our mission.
The vision of the Health Care Management Department is to serve the unique needs of the student population of the Southern Crescent area of Atlanta by providing these students with the didactic and experiential components necessary for them to enter management positions within the health care delivery system.
The values of the program are found in our actions:
First, we value outcomes, not inputs. The undergraduate program is an open admission program requiring students to only meet the minimum requirements of the university and the program. Secondary education is weak in our service area and, as teachers, our job is to work with the inputs to produce the highest quality output possible. Not all students will have the ability and/or the determination to complete a rigorous program of study, but they will have the opportunity. Our objective, for those that complete the program, is that their education is the best that it can be in health care management.
Love of Teaching
Second, we value colleagues that can and love to teach. We are a faculty of teachers that hire teachers. Our second highest value for selecting a faculty member is for their abilities in the classroom. Faculty applicants must have both the ability and the desire to do research, but not at the expense of our primary objective of instruction. Research and service should be conducted and performed that enhances but does not replace instruction as the primary faculty role.
The challenges are great, and the work is hard – we must have colleagues that can actively work with each other, respect each other and who value our mission of instruction of health care management to those in our market area. This is our highest value for selecting new faculty members into our program.