Dental Hygiene Clinic
Clayton State’s mission to be an integral part of the local community is evident by the work of our students and faculty in the University’s dental hygiene clinic.
Located on campus, the clinic provides dental hygiene services to residents seeking safe, accessible and affordable preventive oral care.
Additionally, dental hygiene students help promote good oral care and gain practical experience by treating patients under the supervision of dental hygiene faculty members.
The clinic offers a number of services including oral health screenings, x-rays, cleanings, fluoride treatment, nutritional counseling and teeth whitening services.
As a friendly reminder, this is a learning facility. We ask patients to be understanding and patient as treatment may take up to 4 hours and may require multiple appointments. Please be kind and courteous to our students as they obtain their experience to become outstanding licensed dental hygienists.
Make an appointment
Our clinic has transitioned to contactless scheduling. To make an appointment, please call (678) 466-4920 Ext. 4 and leave a voicemail with your name and contact telephone number. Your call will be returned within 24-48hrs. Please note, patients are assigned to student clinicians who will return your call for appointment scheduling.
Patient Forms
Clinic Hours
Appointment times are subject to student availability. Our clinic hours vary from semester to semester. Our present schedule is as follows:
Fall Semester
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
8 a.m. and 1 p.m.
Spring Semester
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
8 a.m. and 9:45 a.m., 1 p.m. and
2:45 p.m.
Tuesday, Thursday
8 a.m. and 1 p.m.
Summer Semester
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
8 a.m. and 1 p.m.
Note: Clinic hours are subject to change without notice.
University policy and applicable state laws require that all children be under the direct supervision of their parent or guardian at all times and may not be left alone in the waiting room.
Cancellation Fee:
Effective July 1st, 2022, Patients who fail to notify our clinic about an appointment cancellation 24 hours prior to the appointment time and date will be charged a $10.00 fee to their account. The fee(s) must be paid prior to any continued treatment.
Form of Payment Change
Our Clinic will only be able to process credit card payments for services rendered.
American Express credit cards and Discover credit cards are not accepted. We will no longer accept cash and checks.
Our fees for treatment and current infection control practices are as follows:
- Adult cleanings vary and will be determined after examination:
- Healthy cleaning with or without fluoride $45.00
- Scaling in the presence of inflammation (Gingivitis) $50.00
- Periodontal Maintenance $55.00
- Non-surgical Periodontal Treatment (4+ teeth per quadrant; $40.00 quadrant) $160.00
- Non-surgical Periodontal Treatment (1-3 teeth per quadrant; $30.00 quadrant) $120.00
- Child Cleaning with or without Fluoride $30.00
- Comprehensive oral health Screening (new patient only) $15.00
- Single Radiograph $5.00 per film
- Sealants (per tooth) $15.00 (max. $45.00)
- Teeth Whitening $135.00
- Refills for Whitening $60.00
The treatment performed is determined by the student's dental hygiene care plan in consultation with the clinical instructor. The patient's needs and the student's instructional needs are considered in this determination. Treatments performed in our clinic may include the following:
- Vital signs
- Oral Examination
- Individualized Home Care Instructions
- Dental Charting
- Periodontal Charting
- Prophylaxis (Scaling and Polishing)
- Fluoride Treatment
- Desensitizing Treatment
- Radiographs (X-rays)
- Sealants
- Nutritional Counseling
- Tobacco Cessation Counseling
- Teeth whitening
O.S.H.A. and A.D.A. infection control guidelines are followed. H.I.P.A.A. guidelines are followed.
Clayton State University is located approximately 1 mile northeast of Exit 76 off I-75, south of Atlanta. Take I-75 south. Exit at Exit #233, which is Highway 54 (Jonesboro Road). Turn left. The entrance to our college is on the right several blocks down at Clayton State Blvd. Continue on Clayton State Blvd. until it ends. Turn right onto Caldwell Drive. Continue to Edgewater Hall, which is on the right. Upon entering Edgewater Hall, take the staircase on the right, which leads downstairs. The clinic is located at the second door on the left.
Marked parking spaces are provided near Edgewater Hall. In order to park here, you must pay the treatment fee. You will be asked for the make, model and tag number on your car when you check in at the clinic reception desk so that Public Safety will not ticket your car.
This survey is designed to provide us with meaningful feedback for improving dental hygiene treatment and helps to satisfy accreditation requirements for the program.