Check Your Status
Already Applied? Check Your Application Status
Check your status online or by text!
1. Submit an admissions application and the application fee or fee waiver. Once processed, you should receive an email confirmation with information to set up your student account. Please allow time for your application to be processed. You will be notified when your student account is ready for activation.
2. Activate your Clayton State student account. To activate your account, refer to the account activation email and head to Account Manager. The activation email includes your:
Loch ID: (alpha numeric username), such as jsmith1
Laker ID: 9 digit student ID number
Clayton State Email: Loch ID + @student.clayton.edu (example: jsmith1@student.clayton.edu)
You can also text ID to (678) 466-6038 to retrieve your Laker ID and Loch ID.
3. Check your status.

Check your status online
a. Check your status online. Once your account is set up, you will be able to log in to the DUCK with your student email address and new password. In the Other Student Services section, click Admissions Status Checker.
Review your missing items and refer to the Admissions guide for your student type for more info. For additional assistance, contact Admissions.
First time logging in to the DUCK?

Text for your status
b. Check your status via text. Text "OPT-IN" to (678) 466-6038. After OPTING-IN, text "STATUS."
NOTE: The status provided by text will NOT include a list of your missing items. You will need to activate your student account and check your status online to view them.
Next Steps for...
Submit the Change of Semester form if:
- Your application is complete, and you would like to be considered for admission in a future semester, or
- Your application is incomplete, but you plan to complete it and would like to be considered for admission in a future semester. All missing documents needed to complete your admission file must accompany this form.
Need Help Logging In?
To retrieve your login credentials (Laker ID and Loch ID), you can text "OPT-IN" to (678) 466-6038.
After OPTING-IN, text "ID" to receive your Laker ID number and your Loch ID (CSU username).
NOTE: You must text from the mobile number provided on your application. Opt out at
any time by texting "STOP"
If you have difficulty activating your account or logging in, refer to Knowledge Base for quick reference guides about account activation, forgotten passwords, and more.
For additional assistance, you can also contact the HUB, Clayton State's Premiere Help Desk. NOTE: Your password cannot be changed by an email or phone request. To have your password changed or reset, you must go to the HUB (located in the James M. Baker University Center) and show a picture ID.
We look forward to welcoming you into the Laker Family!