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Transferring VA Benefits

How to Transfer Benefits to Spouse/Dependents

The transferability option under the Chapter 33: Post 9/11 GI Bill allows Service members to transfer all or some unused benefits to their spouse or dependent children. The request to transfer unused Chapter 33: Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits to eligible dependents typically has to be completed while servicing as an active member of the Armed Forces. The Department of Defense (DoD) determines whether or not you can transfer benefits to your family. Once the DoD approves benefits for transfer, the new beneficiaries apply for them at VA. Below you will find a more detailed process:

Step 1: Service Member Transfer Benefits; Student Registers for E-Benefits & Accepts the VA Educational Benefits

SERVICEMEMBER follow the steps below:

  • Sign into the milConnect portal application
  • Select EDUCATION and Transfer of Education
  • Benefits from the menu bar
  • Transfer benefit months to family member
  • Submit transfer request for approval

STUDENT (Family Member) follow the steps below:

After the request is approved, the student then applies for a Certificate of Eligibility:

More information on transferring Chapter 33: Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits can be found at

STEP 2: Students Submit Required Documents to the Office of Financial Aid

After you have applied to Clayton State University and completed the process above, please submit the following documents to the Office of Financial Aid:

All Documents above can be submitted by any of the following methods:

  • Email:
  • Fax: 678-466-4189
  • Mail: 2000 Clayton State Blvd Edgewater Hall, Room 105 Morrow, GA 30260
  • In-Office: Please submit to the Front Representative in the Office of Financial Aid (Edgewater Hall, Room 105)

Secured Drop Box: Located outside of the Office of Financial Aid

STEP 3: Student Completes and Submits a Request for Enrollment Certification (Every Semester)

New Students: After you have been admitted into Clayton State University, you will register for Orientation. Students usually register for their courses during Orientation.

Current & Returning Students: During your allotted registration period, you will register for courses. **Please be mindful that Veterans and Active Duty service members have priority registration. To ensure that you have priority registration, please contact the Veterans Resource Center at Clayton State University.

During Registration Each semester, after you have completed your schedule and do not expect to make any changes, please complete the VA Enrollment Certification Request Survey. This survey link will be sent to your Clayton State email each week after registration, until you complete the survey or until classes begin; whichever occurs first. When the new link is sent, the old link expires. **Please be mindful that changes to the enrollment certifications (including changes to schedule, attendance, charges, HOPE awards, waivers, major changes and such like) can result in overpayment/underpayments of VA Educational Benefits.

If you do not submit a request, your enrollment certification will not be submitted until after the No-Show deadline (please refer to the academic calendar). The Department of Veterans Affairs use the enrollment certifications to process your benefits; therefore, not submitting the survey can delay when you receive your benefits.

If you choose not to receive VA Educational Benefits for the current term, please complete the Request to Submit Enrollment Certification Survey and select that you do not want to submit your enrollment certification to VA.

For Chapter 31: Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment Recipients only: Recipients will not receive the survey if we have an approval from your counselor for the current term. Please send an email with your Laker ID when you are complete with your schedule and do not expect to make changes.

STEP 4: VA Coordinator Submits an Enrollment Certification for Required Courses

Prior to submitting the enrollment certification, the VA Coordinator will determine if courses are required for the completion of your degree program:

  • Review your schedule for the term and
  • Compare it with the requirements of your degree program and
  • Compare it with transcripts of the courses you have already completed

If courses or additional transcripts are added later, please notify me ASAP via email:

An Enrollment Certification will be submitted to VA for the required courses. VA Benefits do not include non-required courses. Non-required courses are:

  • Courses that are not listed as part of your program requirement (Please review Student Handbook/Curriculum Worksheet) **Please feel free to seek guidance from your academic advisor.
  • Requirements that have already been successfully satisfied, according to the program standards

If a course is not listed as a program requirement, but has been approved to replace a required course, please provide me with a copy of the approved Course Substitution Form. Your enrollment certification cannot be adjusted to reflect the course, without proof of approval.

If you have a minor, please be sure the Department has approved the minor and updated the information in the system to reflect the minor. If not, courses required for the minor cannot be counted as required courses.

When registering, be mindful of the terms of your benefits. If you are unsure, please review the summary of benefits on the Clayton State Veterans Affairs Website and/or

Changes to your Enrollment, Attendance, Charges, Financial Aid Awards (HOPE), Tuition Assistance, Majors/Minors, and such like can affect VA Educational Benefits.

STEP 5: Student Verifies Enrollment

After your enrollment certification is submitted, the Department of Veterans Affairs automatically sends an email notification to you that your enrollment certification has been submitted.

On the SWAN, under the FINANCIAL AID link, you can view the total number of hours certified and the date it was submitted. If your enrollment certification is adjusted, then the date will update according to the date the adjustment is submitted. Your enrollment certification may not have been submitted if you do not see any information for the current term.

Please notify via email: if this information appears to be inaccurate. The Department of Veterans Affairs use the enrollment certification to process your VA Educational Benefits.

Students receiving the following VA Education Benefits are required to verify your enrollment:

  • Chapter 30: Montgomery GI Bill®
  • Chapter 1606: Montgomery GI Bill®-Reserves
  • Chapter 1607: Reserve Education Assistance Program (REAP)

Students receiving the benefits above can verify enrollment via:

After these steps have been completed, Department of Veterans Affairs will begin to process your VA Education Benefits.

Please be mindful that changes to the enrollment certifications (including changes to schedule, charges, HOPE awards, waivers, and major changes) can result in overpayment/underpayments of VA Education Benefits. Sometimes overpayments may result in the student owing either VA and/or the University additional funds.

Please be mindful of the final charges and the amounts paid on your behalf to determine if overpayments will exist. Questions regarding payment information should be directed to VA Processing Center 1-888-442-4551.