School of Sciences Internships
Strengthen your undergraduate degree with an internship from some of the best employers the Southeast has to offer.
The private and public sector seek undergraduate and graduate students from Clayton State University, and you could benefit exponentially from the resources of our great community. Don’t miss out on this supplemental opportunity! Consult your advisor on which courses you should take.
BIOL 3210 (Off-Campus Internship I) and BIOL 3211 (Off-Campus Internship II)
Registration for this course is by departmental permission only. An Off-Campus Internship is an excellent way to gain experience important for many employers, graduate schools, and professional schools. An Off-Campus Internship allows students to earn academic credit while gaining valuable experience. Before you register or contact the department coordinator for internships, look for a suitable internship opportunity that would give you job experience for the career that you want to have. The experience can either be paid or unpaid. For best results, start your search early so that all of the necessary paperwork can be completed well before the start of the semester. Once you have found a potential internship position, contact Dr. Boudell with the details.
- Off-Campus Internship Agreement Form
- BIOL 3210/11 can count in the General Biology Track for the B.S. in Biology
- BIOL 3210/11 can count as an Upper Division Biology Elective or a Directed Elective for the B.S. in Biology
- BIOL 3210/11 cannot be used for the Minor in Biology
CHEM 3210 (Off Campus Internship)
- CHEM 3210 Syllabus
- The off-campus internship (CHEM/PHYS 3210) requires both the internship learning agreement form and the departmental internship form below.
- CHEM 3210 counts in the Chemistry Directed Electives
- CHEM 3210 does not count toward any minor or other major
With an On-Campus Internship, you will work closely with a faculty member to help them with some type of semester-long project. It could be a research-related project or an education-based project (like working as a teacher's assistant for a particular class). Interested students should contact a faculty member and arrange the details of the project with them as well as the learning objectives before enrolling in this course. (Enrollment is by permission only.)
- Faculty Sponsor Form
- On-Campus Internship Grading Rubric
- BIOL 3220/21 can count in the General Biology Track for the B.S. in Biology
- BIOL 3220/21 can count as an Upper Division Biology Elective or a Directed Elective for the B.S. in Biology
- BIOL 3220/21 cannot be used for the Minor in Biology
CHEM 3220, PHYS 3220 (On Campus Internships)
- CHEM 3220 Syllabus
- CHEM 3220 On-Campus Internship Form
- CHEM 3220 counts in the Chemistry Core, Chemistry Electives or Biology Directed Electives
- PHYS 3220 counts in the Physics Minor, Chemistry Directed Electives or Biology Directed Electives
- This course may be repeated using the following course number: 3221
- Grading Rubric