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Library Personnel Guide to Conduct Code Violations


Clayton State University Library upholds the right of our patrons to study and do research in a peaceful environment in accordance with our Library Code of Conduct, rules established by the University, and Undergraduate and Graduate Code of Conduct.

Instructions will be given to any patron who is not compliant with the codes of conduct. Failure to comply will be considered a violation of the Library Code of Conduct and will be treated as such. The following flowchart provides guidance based on levels of noncompliance.


Personnel guide flowchart

If a patron is noncompliant after being asked to leave, contact the Dean of Libraries or University Archivist. If the Dean of Libraries or University Archivist finds the student to still be noncompliant, the Dean of Libraries or University Archivist should initiate contact with Community Standards by reporting the incident on the Community Incident Reporting Form.

If the patron becomes threatening or potentially violent at any stage, such as throwing items, making threats or causing bodily harm, contact the campus police as well as the Dean of Libraries and University Archivist. Per the CSU Student Handbook, if a “faculty member feels threatened by the behavior of a student outside of the classroom, the faculty member may contact Public Safety, as needed, at the main number (678) 466-4050 or at the emergency number (770) 960-5151 and will consult with the Office of Community Standards for determination of any conduct charges to be filed.”1

If Public Safety police are called, the officer(s) will determine if any charges may be involved. They may also contact the Community Standards office and send a copy of the police report; but in the case of non-criminal incidents, the library may initiate contact with Community Standards if desired.2

If Public Safety is called, send an email to both the University Archivist and Dean of Libraries to report the incident which happened. Be sure to include any follow-up information that was given by the campus police, including Incident Report numbers. If possible, the reporting librarian should get a copy of the incident report and a photo of the patron. 

If Public Safety is called about a patron on three separate occasions, the Dean of Libraries will recommend banning the patron. Any communications regarding the potential banning of a library user will come from the Dean of Libraries so that everyone is clear on final authority and requests sent to campus police.3 However, Public Safety may ban someone if the person has been charged with a criminal offense; the Chief of Public Safety will communicate with the library regarding individuals who have been banned.


Failure to follow guidelines will result in banning a patron from the library for a period of:

  • 2 weeks- for yelling, cursing, failure to follow directions
  • 1 semester- previous infractions or physical damage to property, bodily harm to one’s self or others
  • 1 academic year- previous infractions or threatening with a weapon



1 CSU Student Handbook, 2019-2020 Edition.
2 CSU Police Chief Long (personal communication, July 2, 2020).
3 Dean of Libraries Dr. Sonya Gaither (personal communication, June 30, 2020).