Department of Mathematics Faculty Research
Dr. Louisa Catalano, Assistant Professor
algebra, functional identities, linear preserver problems, radical theory
Sample publications:
- Catalano, L. On a certain functional identity involving inverses, Communications in Algebra, 46 (2018), 3430-3435.
- Catalano, L., Julius, H. On maps preserving products equal to fixed elements, Journal of Algebra, 575 (2021), 220-232.
Dr. Keith Driscoll, Professor
graph theory, k-cordiality
Sample publications:
Mrs. Jennifer Harris, Senior Lecturer
Dr. Elliot Krop (Professor and Interim Chair)
graph theory and combinatorics, domination, graph products, Ramsey theory, games on graphs
Sample publications:
- Vizing’s conjecture: a two-thirds bound for claw-free graphs, Elliot Krop, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 230: 162-165 (2017)
- A Vizing-type result for semi-total domination, John Asplund, Randy Davila, and Elliot Krop, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 258: 8-12 (2019)
- Grundy domination of forests and the strong product conjecture, Kayla Bell, Keith Driscoll, Elliot Krop, Kimber Wolff, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 28(2) (2021), #P2.12
Dr. Catherine Matos, Professor
Sample publications:
Dr. Tomás Merchán, Assistant Professor
harmonic analysis, geometric measure theory, partial differential equations, probability theory
Sample publications:
- The Huovinen transform and rectifiability of measures. Benjamin Jaye, Tomás Merchán. Advances in Mathematics, Volume 400 (2022), 108-297.
- On the problem of existence in principal value of a Calderón-Zygmund operator on a space of non-homogeneous type. Proc. London Math. Soc. 121 (2020), 152-176.
Dr. Kelli Nipper, Professor
mathematics education
Sample publications:
- Nash, Linda; Hunt, Annita; Huddlestun, Denise; and Nipper, Kelli, "Paper 1: Analysis
of Achievement for Understanding Geometry" (2009). Georgia Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (GAMTE) Annual Conference. 2.
https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/gamte/2009/proceedings/2 - Pearson, Tamara; Nipper, Kelli; and Matos, Catherine, "Paper 4: Do You See What I See? Deepening Teachers’ Understanding of Linear Equations through Student Interviews" (2014). Georgia Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (GAMTE) Annual Conference. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/gamte/2014/proceedings/5
- Nipper, K., Sztajn, P. Expanding the instructional triangle: conceptualizing mathematics teacher development. J Math Teacher Educ11, 333–341 (2008). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10857-008-9082-z
- Nipper, K., Mathematics Teacher Development: Making sense of professional development, PhD Thesis (2004)
- Nipper, K. et al. Teacher tensions: Expectations in a professional development institute, Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 14(5):375-392 (2011) DOI: 10.1007/s10857-011-9180-1
- Hunt, Annita W.; Nipper, Kelli L.; Nash, Linda E., Virtual vs. Concrete Manipulatives in Mathematics Teacher Education: Is One Type More Effective than the Other Current Issues in Middle Level Education, v16 n2 p1-6 (2011).
Ms. Cassandra Parker, Lecturer
Dr. David Plaxco, Associate Professor
mathematics education
Dr. Christopher Raridan, Professor
graph theory
Sample publications:
- Dao, H. Hua, and M. Ngo, and C. Raridan, On the edge-balanced index sets of complete even bipartite graphs, Journal of Graph Labeling, 2(1) (2016), 79--87.
- Cichacz, D. Froncek, E. Krop, and C. Raridan, Distance magic Cartesian products of graphs, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 36(2) (2016), 299--308.
- Hua, E. Krop, and C. Raridan, A counterexample to a conjecture of Ghosh, Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications, 75 (2015), 79--82.
Ms. Jessica Showell, Lecturer
Mr. Matthew Smith, Lecturer
Mrs. Jelinda Spotorno, Senior Lecturer
Dr. Anthony Stinson, Senior Lecturer
mathematics education
Dr. Everett Sullivan, Assistant Professor
combinatorics, chord diagrams, Motzkin paths
Sample publications:
Dr. Brianna Vick, Assistant Professor
harmonic analysis, geometric combinatorics, data science
Dr. David Williams, Associate Professor
analysis, applied mathematics, numerical mathematics