Colloquium Series
The Colloquium Series in the College of Information and Mathematical Sciences provides an informal and collegial setting for members of the Clayton State University community to share and explore topics related to mathematics, statistics, mathematics education, or computer science.
Program Coordinator
Past Seminars
11/30/15- Dr. Sarah Holliday Kennesaw State University (SPSU) “Resolvable decompositions of complete equipartite graphs minus a one factor into cycles of uniform length”
11/23/09 - Dr. Yuliya Babenko Assistant Professor at Sam Houston State University. The Mathematics of the Ratatouille Recipe
9/21/08 - Dr. Yi Zhao Department of Mathematics, Georgia State University Turan Density for Complete Hypergraphs
10/27/06 - Dr. Patrick Bahls Mathematics, University of North Carolina, Asheville. Groups, Graphs and Geometry
9/29/06 - Dr. Robert Kingan Mathematics, Clayton State University Introduction to Information Retrieval
4/25/05 - Dr. Harry Smith Abstract Math in a Concrete World
3/28/06 - Dr. Menassie Ephrem Mathematics, Coastal Carolina University Wavelets and Signal Processing
2/28/06 - Dr. Karen Briggs Mathematics, Clayton State University
1/24/06 - Dr. Aprillya Lanz Mathematics, Clayton State University
11/22/05 - Dr. Robert Kingan Mathematics, Clayton State University Disease Progression Modeling from Historical Databases
10/25/05 - Dr. Sandra Kingan, Associate Professor Dept. of Mathematics, Clayton State University, Graphs and Matroids
9/27/05 - Dr. David Williams Mathematics, Clayton State University, A Brief Introduction to Multi-Scale Asymptotics: The Amplitude Equation Method
4/19/05 - Dr. James Mackin, Associate Provost, Clayton State University, Advanced Math Applications in Environmental Science and Oceanography
3/22/05 - Dr. Baiqiao Deng, Mathematics, Columbus State University Construction of Wavelets at Home
2/24/05 - Dr. Aprillya Lanz Mathematics, Clayton State University Uniqueness and Existence for 2nth Order Lidstone Boundary Value Problems
1/25/05 - Dr. Jeffrey Ehme Mathematics, Spelman College Prime Consideration
11/23/04 - Dr. Weihu Hong Mathematics, Clayton State University Elliptic Curves and Fermat’s Last Theorem
10/26/04 - Nathan Borchelt Mathematics, Clayton State University Effects of a Computer Tool on Students’ Cognitive Demand in Undergraduate Calculus