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Student Behavioral Consultation Team

Clayton State University seeks to provide a safe and secure environment in which students can successfully pursue their academic and personal goals. When students exhibit behavior or communicate in a manner that raises concerns for the welfare of the student or for the welfare of others in the campus community, it may be necessary to intervene in order to maintain a safe environment and promote student success.

Referrals can be submitted to the Online Care and Concern Referral Form


The Student Behavior Consultation Team (SBCT) is a campus wide team that provides consultation, makes recommendations, and coordinates the University’s response in situations involving students who engage in concerning, disruptive, and/or potentially harmful behavior. The SBCT serves as a resource to the campus community and is designed for early intervention regarding behavioral issues to help support the health, safety, and success of Clayton State University students.

Behaviors Addressed by the SBCT

Faculty and staff members are encouraged to contact a SBCT member and discuss behaviors they believe contribute to a student’s inability to be successful in their academic pursuits.

Behaviors that warrant a report to the committee include, but are not limited to:

  • Behavior that appears to be dangerous or threatening to oneself or others
  • Behavior that demonstrates a student’s inability to care for self
  • Unusual or strange behavior that is outside the realm of what most people would consider acceptable behavior
  • Inappropriate behavior that substantially interferes with or impedes the educational experiences of others
  • Unusually angry, hostile, or abusive behavior, especially if the behavior is uncharacteristic of the student’s normal behavior
  • Concerns due to significant and sudden changes in academic performance, behavior, and/or attendance
  • Any other student behavior that is concerning or distressing

Reporting Procedures

Any University faculty or staff with a concern about a student can access the team through any of the regular team members. Team members then immediately report to the chair, who triages the requests and determines the appropriateness and priority of the situation, with the assistance of any of the other team members, and convenes a meeting if necessary. The SBCT meets at minimum every other week throughout the academic year.

When the SBCT convenes, the chair and other members as needed present the information to the team for review. Discussion focuses on meeting both the identified student’s educational and personal needs, and the safety needs of the campus community. The team also addresses situations that relate to a student’s imminent danger to self, others, or the University. The SBCT makes recommendations regarding the behavior and communicates the disposition of each case to members of the CSU community, including the reporting party, as appropriate.

Potential SBCT Outcomes

The following are potential recommendations for disposition:

  • No action taken
  • Assist faculty or staff in developing plan of action
  • Referral to existing campus support resources
  • Referral to appropriate community resources
  • Recommendation of parental notification
  • Recommendation of a voluntary withdrawal
  • Recommendation of an involuntary health withdrawal
  • Referral to Office of Community Standards
  • Referral to Counseling and Psychological Services for an assessment

SBCT Representatives

Representative Name Role
Dean of Students Dr. Mya Richardson-Echols Chair
Assistant Dean of Students Ms. Sarah Ray Co-Chair
Interim Director of Advising and Retention Ms. Amber Bradberry  
Atrium Health and Wellness Behavioral Health Program Coordinator Ms. Shirley Chambers  
Director of Public Safety Chief John Keener  
Faculty Member (vacant)  
Vice President for Student Affairs (ex-officio) Dr. Don Stansberry