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Installing Cataloger's Toolkit

Installing CTK

These instructions have been written to assist catalogers or others responsible for authority control in the University System of Georgia to select, install and configure the proper version of CTKK. For the most general and up-to-date instructions on the installation of CTKK see the program's online manual. Using CTKK for authority control and catalog maintenance is relatively simple to learn and easy to do, and CTKK does it more accurately than the client software currently used by the University System; however, CTKK is also a very finicky program to install and configure: hence the need for this guide. The GIL Service Sites have agreed to assist and support installation of CTKK, and are available to help if you run into difficulties while attempting to install. The author of this webpage (listed below) is also available to answer questions relating to the installation process.

In order to install and us CTKTK, you must:

  • be running Windows XP or later,
  • have installed and configured the ODBCBC drivers for Oracle, and
  • have defined an ODBCBC data source name for your production database connection in the ODBCBC Data Source Administrator (located under Control Panel & Administrative Tools & Data Sources ODBCBC)).

The installation of Oracle and the configuration of the ODBCBC settings are not covered in this document.

To complete the CTKTK installation successfully, you will need to know:

  • the data source name (DSN) associated with your production database connection in thODBCBC Data Source Administrator,
  • the Oracle database user ID and password,
  • the table prefix of your production database,
  • the path to your voyageinini file, and
  • the path to the folder containing your tag tables.

Also, note that this process will require you to download files and to install programs. Be sure you have the necessary permissions before you begin.


Determine your version of the BatchCat interface.

Currently, the only BatchCat version which corresponds to Voyager 9.0.0 is BatchCat2009-00.dll. To determine your BatchCat version for any version of Voyager prior to Voyager 7, follow the following steps:

  • Open My Computer and navigate to the C:\windows\system32 folder.
  • Find the file BatchCatxxxx-xx.dll that matches your current version of Voyager. If you are running Voyager version xxxx.x.x then this is BatchCatxxxx-xx.dll.
  • Right-click on the file name and select Properties.
  • Select the 'Version' tab on the Properties panel.
  • The version number is the first item on this tab.

For versions of Voyager after Voyager 6, the BatchCat file will probably be located in sub-folder of the folder where Voyager was installed. Look for it in the folder C:\Voyager\System (substitute the folder where you installed Voyager for "Voyager" in the path).

Download the version oCTKTK that corresponds to your version of BatchCat from

            For BatchCat2009-00.dll this is the file

If you have difficulty obtaining the file, the contact (listed below) should be able to e-mail a copy that works with the University System of Georgia's current version of Voyager upon request.

Download the file from the same site as in step 2 above.


Unzip the file that you downloaded in step 2 (again, for BatchCat2009-00.dll this is, and run the extracted file setup.exe.

If prompted with a security warning stating, "The publisher could not be verified," click Run.

When prompted "Welcome to thctktk installation program"...

  • Click OK.

At the next dialog box, choose the directory wherCTKTK will be installed. Either:

  • Accept the default directory by clicking the computer icon, or
  • Click "Change Directory" to select a different location.

  At the next dialog box, choose the program group wherCTKTK will reside on the Start menu. Either:

  • Accept the default group name by clicking "Continue," or
  • Select a different group name -- or enter a new one -- then click "Continue."

When prompted "Cataloger's toolkit Setup was completed successfully" ...

  • Click OK.

Unzip the file into the folder you chose as the destination oCTKTK in step 7.

Copy the following extracted files to the C:\Users\[your user name]\AppData\Local\virtualstore\windows (if you are using a version of Windows later than XP) and/or the C:\windows folders:

ctkinini  validiinini  verifiinini  vgerreainini

            Do not move the other extracted files.



Open the Options dialog by clicking on the icon.

Click on the Connections tab, and then click Add.

Under add/change a connection, enter the following values:

  • Name: the name of the connection can be anything you choose
  • DSN: use the data source name (DSN) associated with your production database connection in thODBCBC Data Source Administrator
  • Table prefix: use the table prefix for your production database
  • ReaUIDID: the Oracle database user ID
  • ReaPWDWD: the password associated with that user ID
  • WritUIDID: a Voyager user ID with editing privileges in Cataloging[1]
  • WritPWDWD: the password associated with that user ID

Click on OK inside the add/change a connection area.

Enter the full path of the folder containing the voyageinini file (the one that points to the production database) in the box at the bottom of the dialog box. Do not include the name of the file itself. End the path with a "\" (example: C:\Voyager\). Click OK.

At this pointCTKTK should automatically close (if it does not, close it manually). RestarCTKTK. Click on the options button and connection tab again, making sure that both the name of the connection you entered, and the path to the voyageinini file, have been retained.

Click on the Institution codes tab. You should enter the code you would likCTKTK to supply in the MARC 040 field when it creates new bibliographic or authority records. For example, you may want to use your institution's OCLC symbol in the "Institution code for the 040 field of bibliographic records" box, and your institution's MARC organization code in the "Institution code for the 040 field of authority records" box.                 

Click on the Button Details tab. Click on thBAMAM button to view the settings for the validation and verification module. Click on the Files tab. Enter the following values:

  • Path tVgerer tag table files: enter the full path of a folder containing a copy of the Voyager tag tables. End the path with a "\" (example: C:\Voyager\Catalog\TagTable\Oclc\).
  • Files of validation rules: enter the full path of the folder in which you installeCTKTK in step 8. End the path with a "\" (example: C:\Program Files (x86)\ctk\).

Click OK.

CAUTION: This completes only the initial portion of the installation: establishing a connection betweeCTKTK, your production database, and your local files. SincCTKTK is such a powerful program, there are many further settings that a cataloger needs to look at, before the program is used to work on records.

For example, the General tab under Options has settings for the cataloging "happening" location and the Voyager owning library which will be used bCTKTK as it works on records. These may need to be adjusted during the course of work.

Other important settings include all of those that can be accessed under the options button, and include the many tabs under Options > Button Details &gtBAMAM. No attempt will be made to discuss them in this document. Look at these options (and their descriptions in the online manual) and make sure you understand their implications, before proceeding.

NOTE: Use of the Red Cross button to make batch heading changes also requires that an additional program, the Correction Receiver, be installed. See below for instructions on installing the Correction Receiver.

Installing the Correction Receiver

In the course of its work, the Correction Receiver will need to use a folder called the "approved queue" to hold pending correction requests. This can be any folder that you have permission to read from and write to.

Before you begin, make sure:

  • that you have installeCTKTK and that your connection was established successfully,
  • that you know the information required for installinCTKTK (items a-e prior tCTKTK step 01), and
  • that you have created a folder to serve as your approved queue, or selected an already existing folder for this purpose.

For more detailed information about the Correction Receiver, and its installation, see the Word document entitled "Making Changes to Headings".


Download the version of the Correction Receiver that corresponds to your version oCTKTK from

For example, if you installed, than you need to download

If you have difficulty obtaining the file, the contact (listed below) should be able to e-mail a copy that works with the University System of Georgia's current version of Voyager upon request.


Unzip the file that you downloaded in step 1 and run the extracted file setup.exe.

If prompted with a security warning stating, "The publisher could not be verified," click Run.

When prompted "Welcome to the Correction receiver installation program"...

  • Click OK.

At the next dialog box, choose the directory where the Correction Receiver will be installed. Either:

  • Accept the default directory by clicking the computer icon, or
  • Click "Change Directory" to select a different location.

At the next dialog box, choose the program group where the Correction Receiver will reside on the Start menu. Either:

  • Accept the default group name by clicking "Continue," or
  • Select a different group name -- or enter a new one -- then click "Continue."           

When prompted "Correction receiver Setup was completed successfully" ...

  • Click OK.


Run the Correction Receiver program.

On the menu bar, click Options. Next, click on the Approved queue tab, and then on the Add... button. Enter the full path to the folder which you have chosen to use as your approved queue, including the name of the folder itself, and click OK in the Add an approved queue dialog (remember to end the path with a "\").

Next, click on thODBCBC connection tab, and enter the following values (use the same values entered in step 15 of thCTKTK installation):

  • ODBCBC data source (DSN): use the data source name (DSN) associated with your production database connection in thODBCBC Data Source Administrator
  • Read-onlsignonon: the Oracle database user ID
  • Read-only password: the password associated with that user ID
  • Table name prefix: use the table prefix for your production database

Next, click on the Voyager tab, and enter the following values (While different values are possible, in most cases you will want to enter the same values entered in steps 15 and 17 of thCTKTK installation):

  • Path to Voyageinini: the full path of the folder containing the voyageinini file (remember to end the path with a "\", as in: C:\Voyager\)
  • Voyager user ID: a Voyager user ID with editing privileges in Cataloging[2]
  • Voyager password: the password associated with that user ID
  • Cataloging location: Select from the drop-down menu the cataloging location you would like the Correction Receiver to use when saving changed bibs to the database.

Next, click on the Validation tab, and enter the following values:

  • Path tVgerer tag table files: enter the full path of a folder containing a copy of the Voyager tag tables. End the path with a "\".
  • Path to files of validation rules: enter the full path of the folder in which you installeCTKTK in step 7 of thCTKTK installation. End the path with a "\".

Click on OK to close the Options window. Then, click on Exit on the menu bar to close the Correction Receiver program.

RuCTKTK and open the Options dialog. Click on the Button details tab and then on the red cross button. In the "Path for writing correction request" box enter the full path to the approved queue, which should be the same path that you entered into the Correction Receiver in step 9 (and must end with a "\"). Click OK.

CAUTION:This completes the basic installation of the Correction Receiver. Since this program, together witCTKTK, has the power to make large batch changes to your database, you should review the document"Making Changes to Headings," and the sections froCTK's's online documentation on the yellow authority-related buttons, before proceeding.

Among the settings that may need to be adjusted before batch heading changes are attempted are: the Validation scheme setting on the Correction Receiver's Validation tab, and the settings for the Red Cross button accessed througCTK's's Button details tab.

It is recommended that you only perform test batch heading changes (by selecting the "This is a test" option on the Correction Receiver's Output handling tab) until you are confident that the Correction Receiver is performing as expected.

UPDATINCTKTK AND THE CORRECTION RECEIVER: The versions of CTKTK and the Correction Receiver that are made available for download and installation on the public web site are frequently updated (as often as several times a month). Features and settings are sometimes added, deleted, or changed, but in many cases the only changes are "behind the scenes." It is not necessary to always have the most recent version installed.

For those who wish to install the updated versions: it is not necessary tuninstallll the older versions before installing the newer ones. Nor will it be necessary to re-enter your settings, since all settings are retained when the newer version is installed. After downloading the updated versions, simply extract and run the updated installation files (steps 4-9 [for CTKTK] and steps 2-7 [for the Correction Receiver] in the above instructions). Note that it is usually necessary to update all of the programs together. If after updating one program, the other does not run, simply installing the most recent version of the second program will usually solve the problem.

[1] This userid and password should be defined iSysAdminin to allow all of the actions you expect CTKTK to perform, which will probably include full privileges to add, delete, and change bibliographic and authority records. No password is needed to use CTKTK. Anyone with access to and permission to run CTKTK will have the ability to make all the changes to your database which this userid allows, but will not have any privileges which this userid lacks. Using multipleinini files for CTKTK to place restrictions on individual operators is possible but not discussed here.

[2] Although the Voyager userid and password entered here do not need to be the same as those entered during the installation of CTKTK; nonetheless, as with that userid/password combination, make sure that the userid and password provided here are defined iSysAdminin to allow all of the actions you expect the Correction Receiver to perform, notably: full privileges to add, delete, and change bibliographic and authority records.

Installation Contact

In addition to the GIL Service Sites, the author of this webpage can respond to questions about the installation process:

Adam KubikHead of Monographic CatalogingClayton State

© Copyright 2006.

Instructions written by Adam Kubik, Head of Monographic Cataloging, Clayton State University. Thanks to TessMinchewew, Electronic Resources Librarian, North Carolina State University, for providing very thorough editorial assistance during their preparation. Any errors or omissions are the responsibility of the former. Direct questions/suggestions for improvements to:

Page created: Oct. 6, 2006

Last updated: Jan. 5, 2015