Alpha Kappa Lambda Fraternity - INACTIVE
Gamma Xi Chapter
The Fraternity of Alpha Kappa Lambda was founded on April 22, 1914 at the University of California - Berkeley. This gives us the distinction of being the first fraternity to be founded on the West Coast. Our eleven founding fathers of "Los Amigos" organized their house club into a national fraternity of one chapter. Our five ideals are Judeo - Christian Principles of Leadership, Scholarship, Loyalty, and Self - Support. As we improve and strive after the Ideals, so will our Fraternity improve.
Currently, Alpha Kappa Lambda has the highest cumulative fraternity GPA of all social Greek organizations on campus. We are also active in intramural sports, campus life, and community service. Though we are open to all and any community service, the fraternity's main philanthropies include Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, These Hands Don't Hurt, and Adopt - A - School.
The spirit of Alpha Kappa Lambda bonds those of many backgrounds, financial conditions, and private religious beliefs. This diversity coupled with the ability to get along harmoniously is one unique aspect of Alpha Kappa Lambda.
For additional information about the Gamma Xi Chapter of Alpha Kappa Lambda Fraternity, please contact LaShanda Hardin - Fraternity - Sorority Council Advisor at