Report an Incident
If you need to report a Cyber Security incident, please refer to the information below to determine your best contact based on your affiliation.
Regardless of your affiliation, it is very important that you:
- Do not attempt to investigate or remediate the incident on your own
- Stop work on affected endpoint(s) immediately
- Do not disconnect the network or power cables on the endpoint(s)
StudentsIf you are a current Clayton State student, you should contact the Hub at 678-466-4357.
Faculty & StaffIf you are a Clayton State faculty or staff member, you should first contact the Hub at 678-466-4357 or Information Security Officer at 678-466-4390. By email (24/7)
We follow the NIST SP 800-61: Computer Security Incident Handling Guide to detect incidents, minimize loss and destruction, mitigate the weaknesses that were exploited, and restore IT services.